Sunday, January 22, 2012

Our backyard - Espace Killy

The region has seen a lot of snow to date and everyone is praising it as the best winter season so far for a number of years. We've had everything from light drizzles to a few multi-day blizzards, during the worst of which they recorded winds over 200km/h at the Bellevarde mid-station. Val was cut off to Bourg St Maurice (only way in or out of the valley) for 2 days and with the risk of avalanches so high, even roads within the village were closed and all pubs, clubs and restaurants forced to close and send patrons home. However, much to the delight of every skiier & boarder, we received significant dumps of snow - on the heaviest day they recorded nearly 1m within 12 hours just in the village and even more at higher altitudes.

Anyway, the point of this blog post is to show off Espace Killy (the ski area joining Val d'Isere & Tignes). As you can see, in between all this snowing we have had some gorgeous sunny days... here are some pics from various locations, all showing how stunning the scenery is here in our backyard.

Looking back on Glacier Express chair lift

Top of Cascade Express chair lift in the Val glacier area - they have skiing up here in summer as well (~3200m)

Bellevarde (2827m) above the clouds

View of Val from the Triffolet run heading towards La Daille (lowest Val village)

Picnic at Toviere (2704m)

Looking back on Vanoise chair lift with Tignes villages Val Claret (closer)
& Le Lac (other side of the lake) in the background

On Vanoise chair lift

Rock formations at L'Aiguille Percee (2748m) with top of Marais chair lift in foreground

Zoomed in to the other side of same rocks from top of Palafour chair lift

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