Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Australia Day

Yeah, yeah we haven't posted in a while... so here's a few to bring you up to speed...

Happy belated Australia Day everyone! We had a good one here in Val. Unfortunately I'd been sick in the few days leading up to it and didn't manage to get out skiing on the day. Apparently there were a number of flags and other aussie paraphernalia spotted around the slopes. I had the notion that saving myself from the slopes would allow for a bigger evening out in town and it proved true as always. We started off in V spot for a few hours and got involved playing 2-up, indoor cricket, french cricket & eating their free lamb curry (free and nice but extremely mild as curries go). Dave wore his Brisbane lions top out & we both had flags on so we became quite popular for photo opportunities. Saw one guy in a broncos shirt (from the Redlands) & others wearing chesty bonds, thongs, akubra hats & all sorts. We also made an appearance at Abracadabar & Le Graal where Dave lined up for a free hair cut and came away with a mini mohican.

Shh... no-one has to know he's not actually an aussie

Cricket in V Spot - wickets painted on the window of the shop next door

He's out!

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