Sunday, January 22, 2012

Christmas & New Year celebrations

Well yes it has been a while since the blog was last updated, guess we're just having too much fun that days and weeks are flying by! Christmas day was fun although it started with me working at a daily clean in the morning (first time ever working on the 25th december) and Dave sleeping in after a night of DJ'ing. We met up with Paul & Irene on the top of Bellevarde for a jovial afternoon skiing and stopping to consume an over-priced jug of vin chaud (mulled wine) at La Folie Duce mountain bar/restaurant on our way back down. It did have a great atmosphere, with most people atop tables and chairs dancing to the DJ and band. Off the slopes we headed to Cafe Face, one of the popular apres ski bars in Val, met a few other seasonaires and dragged them to our local Abracadabra with us for vodka shots. Finally made it home about 9pm to cook up our christmas chook roast!

New Year's eve was a bit better organised. Dave was playing in Tignes at Melting so we booked dinner in Val Claret (one of the Tignes villages) before hand - savoyard cheese fondue with meat charcouterie - fantastic as always. Lio (french friend living in Brisbane back in France on hols) managed to catch up with us before midnight and we celebrated the new year countdown out in the snow watching fireworks and getting into snow ball fights with everyone around. Irene & I talked Lio into driving us back to Val about 3:30am in the morning which we did after spending another hour digging his car out of the snow and getting the chains on as it was coming down pretty heavily. Dave & Paul made it back into Val in time to go to our local club Le Graal for a lock-in session, getting home sometime around 9am. Apparently (and not surprisingly), the 1st was one of the quietest days on the slopes!

Xmas day - on Tommeuses chair lift

Xmas day - at La Folie Duce

New year's eve - Val Claret, Tignes

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